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As a greeter, you set the spiritual climate by presenting a joyful attitude, making others feel welcome, accepted, recognized, and comfortable, and expressing God’s love through Jesus Christ to all attending.


Let mutual love continue.
Do not neglect hospitality, for through it
some have unknowingly entertained angels.
(Hebrews 13:1-2)


Men's Ministry

The G.A.H.C. MEN OF FAITH Ministry is dedicated to enhancing the spiritual growth of men
through prayer, fellowship, and instruction. Our focus is to build character, accountability, and
faithfulness in men.


I Corinthians 16:13

“Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.”


Singles Ministry

This is a ministry designed to demonstrate and encourage singles on how to live a victorious
life that is pleasing to God. Using the Bible as the blueprint to every day Godly living.


Jeremiah 29:11

reminds us that God knows the plans that he has for us and they are good and not of evil,
plans to prosper us!


Usher Ministry

The ushers are a ministry that maintains order in the sanctuary – in order to usher-in the Spirit of
the Lord. We guard the door along with the pulpit. We help meet the needs of our Pastor,
leaders and the people in the congregation. Our desire is to make everyone who attends
G.A.H.C. feel welcomed and blessed. A strong commitment of time and effort is required from
those participating in the Usher Ministry.


2 Chronicles 8:14


Missionary Department

The mission of the Greater Anointing Harvest Church Missionary is to exalt our Lord Jesus
Christ and to spread the gospel at home and abroad.  It is through the empowerment of believers
through prayer, worship, education, and the proclamation of the Gospel. They desire to minister
to the total needs of people both spiritually and physically.


Women's Ministry

Women of Praise/Women of Power Women Ministry endeavors to create an atmosphere
where women can realize their responsibility as a woman of God, to be what God has created
them to be. To help them in their spiritual maturity as they continue to walk with the Lord in the
spirit of Love,


Peace & Joy. We believe in exalting and glorifying God with praise through the
power of the Holy Ghost.


Fresh Fire Youth Ministry

Our vision is to lead our young people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. To be able
to respond to their social and spiritual needs as they grow into young adults. Our desire is to
provide fun programs, activities, and events that will allow them to express their faith through
their own words and actions; to encourage them to use their individual talents in programs and
ministries that interest them in order to nurture their growth as Christians.


Sunday School Department

Our Sunday School Ministry is designed to give all Toddlers, Children, Teenagers, and Adults the
necessary Christian foundation to prepare themselves for a lifetime walk in Christian Holiness.
We seek to Teach, Educate and Develop, through sound doctrine all of our members to a higher
level of spiritual growth, understanding, Faith, Stewardship, and a committee to Jesus Christ.


Food Pantry Ministry

Our vision is to lead our young people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. To be able
to respond to their social and spiritual needs as they grow into young adults. Our desire is to
provide fun programs, activities, and events that will allow them to express their faith through
their own words and actions; to encourage them to use their individual talents in programs and
ministries that interest them in order to nurture their growth as Christians.


Housekeeping Ministry

We know & understand the unique challenges of cleaning our building. It is very important
above all else, that we take the time to clean our church so that the Glory of God Shines through
the walls of our church for God’s People. A strong commitment of time and effort is required
from those participating in the Housekeeping Ministry.


Holiday Ministry

The Church Holiday Ministry is responsible for decorating the church for the seasons, holidays, and other special occasions.


Assist the vision of G.A.H.C by helping to create a warm, inviting, and welcoming church atmosphere.


Media Ministry

The Media Ministry is a service ministry to the Pastor, Congregation, the Sick and Shut-ins. We
have a passion for using technology as a means of recording and sharing God's Word.  This
ministry also has the responsibility of managing the sound system for the various services of the
church.  Tapes and CD's of individual are available weekly. The Media Ministry also works
diligently in video recording all services, sermons and special events. They are also responsible
for any photography of GAHC.


Pastor’s Aid

Realizing that the call to pastor a church is a tremendous responsibility that affects the entire
family and at times some of the most basic needs of the First Family may go unattended or may
get neglected for the sake of the ministry. Therefore, the Pastor’s Aid ministry endeavors to
minister and administer Biblical comfort and support to the Pastor and family as they provide
spiritual leadership and guidance to the Greater Anointing Harvest Church.


Praise & Worship Team

We serve God by leading the congregation into Corporate Praise and Worship.
We demonstrate Praise & Worship with our voices, as we glorify HIS Holy Name.


Called 2 Worship (Liturgical Dance Ministry)

This is a Women’s Liturgical Dance Ministry where everyone can freely express themselves
through worship. We discover the aspect of creativity through prophetic movement and
choreography - in turn, learning to work together in the spirit of unity. We also learn to use it as a
tool of intercession while growing in intimacy with the Lord. This dance Ministry teaches
women discipline, commitment, responsibility, and leadership.

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